Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I can't sing,i can't dance.There are too many cultural dances Malaysia and only few of them managed to catch my interest.I tried zapin before and i failed.Then i turned to Chinese lion dance, fell on few poles and i called it a quit.It was hard to be one of the flying men in that lion suit.Knowing that I have no talent at all in dancing,I start to become the audience.Just watch and comment and leave.Among the famous Malay dances,I enjoy 'joget' because all the songs used are catchy and vibrant.Still I prefer to watch the lion dance simply just because all the noise made from the cymbalsand the drums.HOOLALA.Sometimes i wonder what's that slow melancholic chinese dance called and it's awfully boring.I do NOT know anything about Indian dance and i'm really sorry fellas,nobody ever invited me to watch indian dance.